Planting care

We do offer a planting service for larger plants - please do get in touch if you would like further information: 01376 561212

We can also offer a Garden Design and Landcaping Service Specialising in Roof Gardens. We have many very happy customers based in London particulary Chelsea and Kensington. We are RHS Gold Medalists and exhibit at Chelsea Flower Show and Hampton Court Flower Show every year.

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  • Watering Open Close

    Regardless of pot size, it is really important to ensure the rootball (container) of the plant to be planted is saturated with water to give the plant the best possible start. Then the roots are given the impetus to get going in to the surrounding soil once in the ground. The easiest way to do this is to immerse the pot of the plant in a trug/barrow of water and leave it to soak until all air bubbles have stopped escaping from the rootball.

    Whilst the plant is soaking, dig the planting hole. This should be approximately twice the width of the pot to ensure the soil is loosened all the way round the plant.  If the ground is dry it is a good idea to water the hole too. If the plant is too big or heavy to fit in a trug or barrow, it can be lowered in to it's planting hole and then left with a hose on a slow trickle directly on the rootball before the hole is backfilled. Leave it for a good few minutes to get thoroughly saturated.

  • Planting Open Close

    Make sure the soil at the bottom of the planting hole is loose and friable. It is a good idea to add a granular fertiliser to the loosened soil such as Growmore or Blood, Fish and Bone.

    Backfill around the plant making sure that the finished level of the rootball will match the level of the surrounding soil - use larger pots to check the depth of the hole before lowering heavy plants in to their hole. Use fine soil to back-fill - if it is too coarse detrimental air pockets might be left around the roots. Add potting or garden compost if necessary to get a fine consistency. Firm in around the plant with the heel of your foot to make sure there are no big air cavities around the rootball - it is really important that the roots have good contact with the surrounding soil to encourage the roots outwards.

    Finish off with a thorough watering in (even if it is raining!).

  • Care Open Close

    Planting of containerised plants can be done all year round, except when the ground is frozen. Be aware of dry conditions after you have planted - although a thorough watering at planting gives the plant the best possible start, it is usually necessary to water again at least 2 or 3 times before the plant can fend for itself. This really does depend on the time of year and the rainfall, but it is better to water only every couple of weeks but make it a really thorough watering when you do - ideally leave the hose on a slow trickle on top of the root ball. In drought conditions bi-weekly watering might be necessary for some weeks. At cooler times of year do make sure the soil is getting dry before watering again otherwise you risk waterlogging the plant.
