Lovely half standard Olive tree

Perfect gift
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Half Standard Olive Tree

Overall height inc. pot: 100+ cm

Trunk height: 55-60 cm

Head diameter: 25-30+ cm

Pot height: 17 cm

Half Standard Olea europaea





Customer Feedback
Care Notes

These beautiful young olive trees make a perfect gift for all occasions. They are suited to either planting in the ground or for container growing. People are often surprised to know that olive trees are very tough plants and will take very low temperatures - if you think of Tuscany, it can can sit under a blanket of snow during the winter. These young standard trees will easily tolerate temperatures of -10c, cold hardiness improves with age, the more mature of our trees are hardy to well below this temperature, even in our wet British climate. Olive trees are very wind tolerant and don't mind exposed coastal locations, and salt laden winds.

Olive trees are very easy to look after and we send out a detailed printed care note with all our trees to make life a little easier. Iif you require your tree to be a gift and would like it wrapped for the occasion, we are very happy to offer this service, all you need to do is see our 'Plants as Presents' section and choose the half standard olive.

Where more than one tree is ordered we do our best to pair up trees to work well together. We recommend for fabulous frostproof terracotta pots.

We send out a care note with every order detailing all the feeding, watering and planting requirements.

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  • Situation Open Close

    Olive trees love a sunny, sheltered well drained site; a south facing position is ideal, however it’s not essential as long as there is lots of sunlight and the soil is well drained. A well drained soil can be achieved by digging in lots of grit before planting. Wind is not a problem for olives - they can even cope in a seaside location with salt laden winds. The same conditions apply for container grown olives, potting up with a mixture of John Innes No.3 and multipurpose compost, ideally with some added grit for drainage. 

    To buy the best Olive for sale in the UK, click here.

  • Feeding Open Close

    To help promote new growth, flowering and fruiting, give a feed with a slow release general purpose fertiliser around the base of the plant in spring. In the growing season an occasional feed with a liquid fertiliser is beneficial. Stop feeding after August as this will promote soft new growth which could be damaged in winter. It is more important to feed container planted trees as the nutrients are soon depleted from the soil after a growing season.

  • Pruning Open Close

    Olives respond well to pruning; to help keep in shape and to promote new growth. A light prune in spring will help shape the tree after the winter, cut out any dead, damaged or diseased growth. In summer a heavier prune can be done if required, olives can put a lot of growth on during this time and might need to be kept in check.

  • Watering Open Close

    If planted into a container make sure the tree is well watered during the growing season as the roots cannot search for water like they do in the ground, especially so if in terracotta as this bakes the soil in summer. In the first year of planting, olive trees in the ground need to be kept well watered too, however once established they can tolerate some small periods of drought but prefer to be watered occasionally.

  • Pests and Diseases Open Close

    Generally pest free, occasionally olive trees can be prone to Peacock or Black Spot or Woolly Aphid. Black Spot (small brown circles on leaf, leaf turning yellowy brown) can be treated by spraying with a fungicide. Woolly Aphid (white fluffy like substance appearing on leaf axils and pruning cuts) needs treating with an insecticide. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for best application.

  • Winter Care Open Close

    Olive trees are surprisingly very hardy; large plants can be hardy to around -15C (and lower), as long as the compost/soil is well drained. Mature plants will be evergreen to around this temperature, younger plants are more susceptible to leaf loss if the temperatures are continually very low. Small plants can be over-wintered inside to help retain leaves; maximise ventilation and light and water occasionally. They soon start to regain their leaves once the spring has arrived. Watch out for the roots of containerised plants becoming waterlogged.
